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Live Performance by:
Golden Years of Dutch Pop
The Vacillators
Poker Tourney
Celtics & Marathon Contests
$teals & Deals Auction
Food, Drinks (cash bar) & FUN!
Supporting PlayRox! / GirlPower Flag / WMS AfterSchool Hoops / WHS PlayRox Enrichment / Student Play, Coaching Music & Media Programs
We will be honoring and supporting our Boston Marathon charity runner! Will McGraw- Wellesley High Class of 2020 / UMichigan Class of 2024 / Proud PlayRox Alumni -- Let's Go!
Hosted by Community Investors a Wellesley Based 501(c)(3) NonProfit Celebrating a Decade of Service!
Student Coaching,
Music & Media Programs
Middle School, High School & College Students Enjoy
Mentoring & Active Play
Energizing Fun, Inclusive Experiences
Our Student DJs PUMP IT UP!
Custom Playlists
Energize Activity &
Harmonize Experiences
Choreographed Inclusive Play
Free Play & Team Sports
Actively Managed Energizing
Balanced Games & Epic Finishes
Sparking Passion
& Building Tradition
Rocking MUSIC POWERED PLAY Everywhere!
Connecting Kids & Communities
EmPowering Teachers, Coaches & Athletes Growing Programs
Researching our
3 Decades Experience
& Mission to EmPower
Happy & Healthy Kids
ROCKING The Power of Play!
"Community Investors is a proactive leader supporting the kids and families of Wellesley. They are truly committed to the power of play and wellness of adolescents."
Dr. Jamie Chisum, Wellesley High School Principal
"I'm a big supporter of Community Investors and their PlayRox after-school program at WMS. The students have loved it. They come out laughing, smiling and relaxed, feeling good and having fun!" Wellesley Middle School METCO Coordinator Cynthia Russell
“These guys are truly experts at bringing energy and fun to activities and with rising electronics indulgence, the need for their programs and their vast experience is greater than ever”. Chris Cavallerano, Motivo, Inc. Social Philanthropy
"Our staff raved about PlayRox! They said it was the best activity ever! PlayRox has made a big impact right away!” Pam Kaufmann, Hoops & Homework’s Program Director, Framingham
Thank you so much for running PlayRox 3v3 hoops at WMS every Friday. My son enjoyed it so much he decided to sign up for the Wellesley Hoops team for the first time this year.
Middle School Parent and PTO President
“I am so grateful for the opportunity you gave to my child! He is new to the school and this gave him a chance to PLAY and meet new kids. I love the fact that this was a chance to play sports for ALL kids and not just the “best” athletes. I cannot thank you enough!” Middle School Parent
“My son absolutely loved it. We were thrilled as it provided exercise, time with friends and time away from video games. We considered it just as important for his all-around growth as his academic studies. We hope the program continues.”
Middle School Parent
“He looked forward to it every week. He loves football, and to have the chance to play for the pure fun of it without the pressure and stress of playing on one of the town teams was great!”
Middle School Parent
I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated the opportunity our daughter had this summer in your PlayRox student coaching program. It impacted her in ways we could not imagine and could not be more grateful for. She had struggled through a rough winter/spring and the week she coached at your program, we felt like we had our girl back. It really made such a difference in the rest of her summer and thankfully she is now excited to go back to school. I can definitely point to the week she had with you as the turning point. She said she wants to coach all year!
Middle School Parent
My youngest son absolutely loved the after school "pick up" games that you organized - especially the flag football and 3v3 basketball. He has a group of friends who loved to just do sports and they would attend together. The one hour time right after school was perfect - enough time to burn energy and socialize w/ friends but they still got home in time to do homework and attend other practices/lessons/etc. My son like that there was enough supervision and coordination to keep the games organized, but not too structured so that if felt like a required lesson.
Middle School Parent
It was such a great program! THANK YOU!!!!! I wish you could make the school dances as fun as the ones you hosted!
Middle School Parent
My son thought the programs were fun. He participated in flag football, dodgeball and basketball. Hope you continue these programs. thanks!
Middle School Parent
Copyright © 2024 Community Investors - All Rights Reserved.
Community Investors is a Massachusetts-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Community Investors, Inc.
25 Earle Rd.
Wellesley, MA 02481